Hello, I'm Martina

I specialise in empowering individuals, particularly women, to harness the power of mindset and neuroplasticity. This enables them to triumph over persistent food cravings, overcome weight concerns linked to snacking, break free from restrictive or highly regulated connections with food, and make mindful, connected choices for a healthier and happier relationship with food.

I was where you are...

In my twenties and thirties, I considered myself fortunate, as I could indulge in any food without worrying about my physique. My high level of activity kept me lean, and while I naturally gravitated towards healthy foods, everything changed when I became pregnant at the age of 36. Pregnancy brought intense cravings that I simply went along with, assuming I would effortlessly return to my previous eating habits afterward. However, it proved to be more challenging than expected.

During and after the pregnancy, I found myself constantly snacking and struggling to make healthier choices. The combination of sleep deprivation and an increased appetite made it necessary for me to develop a strategic plan to regain control. I utilized various tools and techniques to overcome this hurdle and create a sustainable approach to nutrition.

Now, as a health practitioner, I understand firsthand the difficulties individuals face when trying to navigate their way back to healthier habits after major life transitions.

My personal journey has taught me the importance of planning, adaptability, and finding the right tools to support yourself in achieving your desired well-being.

I am passionate about helping others overcome similar challenges and develop a balanced and nourishing relationship with food that aligns with their lifestyle and goals.


How I got here

My journey into the field of nutrition was driven by my love for nourishing and flavorful food, as well as a desire to help people develop a healthier relationship with food.

Prior to my work in the nutrition arena, I had a career in logistics. However, my inherent passion for food and health led me to pursue a BSc(Hons) in Psychology, laying the foundation for my transition into the functional health sector. I then embarked on nutrition training, eventually graduating from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2016.

My commitment to my clients' well-being is evident through the valuable clinical experience I gained in my own private practice. This experience, coupled with subsequent role in Clinical Education and Support with a leading functional medicine diagnostic laboratory - Genova Diagnostics, has equipped me with extensive knowledge and a deep understanding of the latest research developments within the nutrition industry.

As a health practitioner, I possesses qualities that foster a nurturing and supportive environment. My calm, warm, logical, and empathetic approach empowers and encourages clients to regain their health, fostering a positive and sustainable relationship with food. 

Outside of professional pursuits, I dedicates my spare time to my passion for organic and biodynamic gardening, with a particular focus on my allotment. This further showcases my commitment to promoting natural and sustainable practices, aligning with myholistic approach to health and well-being.

I've been helping clients for a number of years now

Through my website, I share my experiences and expertise, providing practical insights and strategies for those seeking to make positive changes in their dietary habits.

Whether you're a new parent struggling to regain control after pregnancy, experiencing cravings that are challenging to manage, or simply looking for guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I'm here to offer support and empower you on your journey towards optimal well-being.

Together, we can create a plan that fits your unique needs and helps you achieve a healthier, more balanced relationship with food.

Book Your FREE 20-Minute Strategy Call

Discover how you can transform your relationship to food

Take your first step towards a healthier relationship with food, reclaim your confidence, and enjoy a peaceful and empowering connection with food. Click to book a call with

Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open) Dip CNM Nut

Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open), Registered Nutritional Therapist, founder of Martina Cowen Nutritional Therapy and creator Freedom From Cravings programme



Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open) Dip CNM Nut


Copyright © 2024 Martina Cowen Nutrition Therapy

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