Free resources

Welcome to our free resources page. Please look through the different documents available and if you are ready, click to

download them.

Download your free Guide to Adopting New Habits and start making changes right away.

This handy guide includes many different examples  of habits that you can easily incorporate in your daily life and it goes into detail on how to achieve this.

Download your free starting Cheatsheet to overcoming unhelpful snacking habits.

This is a comprehensive guide that gets you started on your journey to a healthy relationship with food. 

Take our quiz today and find out your relationship with food

Take the first step towards a greater self-esteem, confidence and a healthy relationship with food

Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open), Registered Nutritional Therapist, founder of Martina Cowen Nutritional Therapy and creator Freedom From Cravings programme



Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open) Dip CNM Nut

Copyright © 2024 Martina Cowen Nutrition Therapy

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