More Than Just Consulting

1-2-1 Personalised Appointments

Experience the transformative power of personalized 1-2-1 coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals. Through a holistic approach, we'll address various aspects of your health, including nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset, to help you achieve lasting positive change. I work with clients to support their digestive wellness, energy support and 

Corporate Wellness Solutions

Invest in the well-being of your team with our corporate wellness solutions. From supporting individual employees to delivering engaging talks on nutrition, enhancing performance, focus, and energy throughout the day, I provide comprehensive programs designed to optimize health and productivity in the workplace. Partner with us to create a culture of well-being and performance excellence within your organization.

Lectures and Public Talks

As a lecturer at the renowned College of Naturopathic Medicine, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every presentation. Whether you're hosting a corporate event, conference, or community gathering, I offer insightful talks that educate, motivate, and inspire positive lifestyle changes. Contact me to discuss your event needs and book a memorable presentation that resonates with your audience.




Working with the nutritionist Martina over the past 2 years has transformed how I approach my life and my nutritional needs. I feel that I am now able to engage again in the activities I love and enjoy my life again. At one time everything felt like an extreme effort and left me drained and devoid of pleasure. But learning about myself and why my body was reacting the way it was gave me the insight to change this. It was empowering to do something about how I led my life and how I looked after myself. Addressing my bodies nutritional needs took time. This was not an overnight process. It took a gentle kind commitment to change how I ate and lived. I am back to doing the activities I love and because of what I have learned I am living my best life.



Dear Martina,

Thank you very much for today. It was so good to talk to someone who understands what it means to be going through my current situation whilst managing my health issues. I felt very supported and heard and understood which was really lovely.



Thank you so very much for all the information you have given me. It was so lovely to meet you again! I will take all your advice and use it.

You have been such a marvellous help to me – thank you again.

Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open), Registered Nutritional Therapist, founder of Martina Cowen Nutritional Therapy and creator Freedom From Cravings programme



Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open) Dip CNM Nut

Copyright © 2024 Martina Cowen Nutrition Therapy

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