Are YOU Ready for Freedom From Cravings

Are you ready to transform your snacking habits from the inside out?

Are you ready to reclaim control and have a healthier relationship with food - You can do this in just 9 short weeks! 

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Have you tried every diet out there and still feel overwhelmed and stuck in inaction? You know that the answer to get your cravings under control isn't another diet, but you're unsure what steps to take to consistently get yourself on track towards a healthy lifestyle you truly desire. 

You've already put a tremendous effort into this but none of it has worked because you've been mislead into thinking that willpower alone is the solution.

It's important to understand that this is not about your willpower, it has nothing to do with any inherent weakness of character or willingness to change.

The good news is that you have the power to create an entirely new relationship with food, enabling you to lose weight in a healthy way without feeling deprived or losing their sense of security.

It's time to embrace a revolutionary perspective on healthy eating!


Feeling like you truly eat to live rather than live to eat, seeing the difference in the mirror and being able to relax in the evening without turning to food.

It is possible to make this your reality, the reality where you are in control, you feel relaxed around food, you feel energised and recharged. Feeling proud of what you have achieved and for facing it head on. Feeling confidence and simply knowing that you're the one in control, not the food!

Here is what you will learn

We offer a distinctive approach to establishing a new connection with food that builds on all the key elements - MIND, BODY & SPIRIT.

What to Eat

You will learn how to nourish your body, navigating the hormonal changes as we age. You will learn the fundamental eating guidelines that we embrace and explore together through the programme

  • Eat a nutrient dense whole food diet 
  • Eat appropriately for your hormonal balance
  • Support your cognitive function with food
  • Feed your gut bacteria and support your gut health and digestion

What to Avoid 

You will discover the various forms of 'sugar' and where it could be hiding. We will be diving into information on fats, carbohydrates and proteins and processed foods and what it is doing to us.

  • Spot processed foods
  • Know how to avoid sweeteners and what to replace them with
  • Find out what needs attention in your kitchen cupboard staples

Emotional Eating

Food is just the start, and in this module we go a lot deeper, so you really understand how feeling stressed, overwhelmed or lonely can drive your cravings.

  • Learn what to do to minimise your cravings
  • Discover strategies you can use when you get a craving
  • Learn how to start processing emotions instead of turning to food


Understand the neuroscience of how habits are formed and learn how to break them in our step-by-step system. We use the same systems in building new healthy habits.

  • Decide on new habits
  • Start making new habits automatic
  • Create consistency and add a fun element to these habits
  • Learn the system so you can make and break any habit you want

Mindfulness & Motivation

Work with your inner strength and bring calm to your decisions and you will make better choices. 

  • Observe your old patterns
  • Master visualisation and use power within you that you didn't even know you had
  • Tap into a portfolio of meditations and self-hypnosis

Planning & Cooking

Planning, planning, planning is a key to success. Learn a better system to plan your week and to cook in a way that doesn't overwhelm your evenings.

  • Learn how to reduce your time in the kitchen, yet get delicious meals 
  • Get tips for easy and healthy meals that help balance your glucose levels leading to less cravings
  • Easy kitchen set up

Social situations & how to navigate them

Often times social situations can trip us up in maintaining our routine and healthy habits. Learn how to overcome those situations and walk out a winner.

  • Learn how to navigate the situation for your self, so you don't feel like you are missing out
  • Learn how to respond to people pushing their choices on you in a way that is pleasant yet 


Often the most forgotten area of supporting ourselves, we explore a number of ways that you can self-soothe and re-center to find your inner strength and vitality.

  • Explore what is true self-care means
  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries that protect your energy and health
  • Respect your body and foster self-love

Re-connecting to oneself

Appreciate the connection between the physical body and the mind and learn how to use the connection and communication to your benefit.


  • Strategy to explore your taste buds
  • Learn how your body communicates to you - become aware of the signals and what they mean

When you have control over your thoughts and emotions, you have the power to shape your destiny."

Stephen Richards


Introducing Freedom From Cravings: Programme that looks beyond the plate and focuses on the mindset.

Discover how you can change your brain and mind so that you overcome your unhealthy food habits and make a lasting change.

Food tips to help lower your cravings
Techniques to literally rewire your brain
Learn to face emotions, not eat them
Meditations to help with cravings


  • Experience unwavering discipline and effortless resisting of temptations of leftover cake in the fridge or the indulgent offerings at the holiday buffet
  • Embrace food openly, without shame, no longer feeling the need to hide or be self-conscious about your choices in front of others
  • Bid farewell to guilt, shame and the frustration of previous failures, knowing that success is within your grasp
  • Revel in the empowering realisation that you are now the one in control of food, no longer allowing it to dictate your actions and emotions
  • Approach restaurants and gatherings with ease, assured in your ability to chose the healthiest option while still feeling completely satisfied, irrespective of what others may be indulging in
  • Gaze at the reflection in the mirror with a beaming smile, feeling proud and confident as you effortlessly slip into your favorite jeans

Mind-body-soul approach

You will get to the root cause of your snacking habits and will learn how to deal with them head on. You will get to work out the real reasons for your cravings and learn to reprogram these cravings and reprogram your habits around food.

This is all about the ROOT of the issue, not the surface of it.

Working with the brain's natural wiring

We will work with the brains natural wiring, so same wiring that got you to maintain snacking and cravings - we will simply turn them to work for you rather than against you. Most diets work against natural wiring of the brain and that is why they fail, we encourage you to follow your brain's natural wiring for excellent results!

No deprivation, we work with nutrient dense whole foods

By the end of this programme, you will know how and what to eat to nourish your body. This is not a diet, so no food is off limits, but you will gain an understanding of what your body really needs and you will learn to satisfy the needs for nourishment rather than cravings. 

Let’s Look At The Value Of All You Get In This Course

Helping You Reach Optimal Health

Levels of Service

Get Started With The Plan That's Right for You

Bronze Level


This option is for you if you prefer DIY or self-guided courses.

Who is it for?

The bronze level is best for those looking to complete the course on their own. This course relies on your own persistence and drive to keep you going.

Who is it not for?

The Bronze level is not for those who need encouragement to progress with through the programme and take action. If you often leave programmes bought but not opened or if you don't complete programmes then this is not for you. You will really benefit from coaching, so the Silver or Gold levels would be better suited for you.

What does this level offer?

This level grants you access to the Freedom From Cravings programme, tools & downloads.

However, I don't want to leave it to you completely, so you can also reach out to me with questions 3 times during the 9-week programme.

Silver Level


This option is for you if you like to be supported and want to be part of a community

Who is it for?

The silver level is best for those looking to complete the course supported by myself and a group of people who are also going through the course. This carries a huge benefit as you can ask questions directly, hear insight and experience of others.  

Who is it not for?

The Silver level is not for those who are action takers on their own (in which case Bronze is  better suited for you) or indeed need further support than this specific level offers. If you need 1-2-1 sessions, then Gold is better suited for you then Silver.

What does this level offer?

You will gain access to the Freedom from cravings programme

You will be invited to 9 weekly Zoom sessions with all other attendees of the programme (these are group coaching calls)

You will also be included in private Freedom From Cravings Facebook group, where you can ask questions ad hoc.

Gold Level


This option is for you if you want a highly customized level of support, including 1-1 consultation time with me.

Who is it for?

The gold level is best for those looking to for a complete support while doing the programme, this includes group support as well as individual 1-2-1 time with me.

Who is it not for?

The Gold level is not for those who work best on their own or with a group support only.

What does this level offer?

You will gain access to the Freedom from cravings programme

You will be invited to 9 weekly Zoom sessions with all other attendees of the programme (these are group coaching calls)

You will also be included in private Freedom From Cravings Facebook group, where you can ask questions ad hoc.

You will get 3 x 1 hour video consultation with Martina


Hi, I'm Martina, Registered Nutritional Therapist with a BSc in Psychology

... and just few short years ago, I was in your shoes - if I wasn't eating, I was thinking about food or making it - food had  a complete hold over me.

I changed what I was doing, but mostly I changed what I was thinking and it worked wonders!

I cannot wait to share with you what I have learned and help you to harness the incredible power you have within yourself to get these cravings under control and thrive!  

I'll meet you inside the Freedom From Cravings Programme


How Do I Know if It's Right for Me?

Not sure if the “Freedom From Cravings” Programme is right for you?

Right for you if...

You want to feel empowered over your food choices and unlock the world of wellbeing

Perfect for you if..

You struggle with cravings and find that diets don't really help you to stay off snacks for good?

Great for you if...

You want to experience the joy of balanced digestion, restful sleep and great energy


If you’ve stayed with me this far, you owe it to yourself to treat yourself to good digestion, sound sleep and great health.

There has never been a better time to start living up to your full health potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve purchased programmes like this in the past and they have not worked for me.

The one thing that most programmes are missing is adressing the root cause of cravings and bad habits. They tend to focus on what and how much is on your plate almost exclusively and omit the role of the brain and mind in your cravings. This program will not give you meal plans or get you to count calories, we work under the surface, deep in your mind, where your habits originate and we change them there. This is not a dieting program, it's a mind reprogramming program.

I’m not sure if I’m ready to do this yet?

The programme is run online and you get to learn as and when it suit you. Whether you do this as an intensive course or whether you take your time and process each lesson and sit with the learnings before you move on. The timings are up to you, your access is lifetime. You do, however, need to have a commitment to change and willingness to be challenged. I find that the more you put in, the more you get out.

I am confused over the dietary advise out there, will there be advise on what to eat?

Absolutely, we will be covering food in quite some detail, it just simply doesn't form the whole programme. You will get clear on what to eat for each meal, while not compromising on flavor and enjoyment of food. We will be talking about what to eat to prevent cravings and how to get the best out of food for you individually.

If you still have questions, then you can address them with me in our weekly group coaching calls!

I am taking medication, will I still be able to take part in the programme?

You should always check the suitability of any dietary changes with your doctor. As the programme works primarily with the mind, you will be able to take action on vast majority of the programme, without it affecting the outcome. If there are any dietary restrictions you have due to the medication, then please avoid these foods in the handouts.

I'm worried I don't have the willpower to make these changes. Will there be help provided?

There is no willpower involved and that is what we go into, within the programme. All you need is open mind, honesty and curiosity, the rest such as the tools and strategies is what I will teach you and these will then increase and incorporate your willpower. You will experience natural shifts in your willpower naturally and this is through the reprogramming of your thoughts, beliefs and habits around food.

I noticed that there are weekly group coaching sessions, what if I can't make the sessions?

All sessions will be recorded and available for you to catch up on when you are ready. If you have any questions, then these can be submitted prior to the live sessions via private Facebook group, this way we will then go through them and answer then on the call for you.

I am pregnant, can I still do this programme?

You should always contact your doctor and check this with them. However, the majority of the programme is psychology / NLP practices, focusing on the mind, which can be done at any time and will not have a direct effect on your pregnancy. The food part of the programme can be individualised.

I have food restrictions that I cannot change, will this be accounted for in the programme?

Yes, you should always stay within a safe remit of what you can eat and should consult your doctor if you are considering including foods that you have previously avoided, however the information in the programme is not a specific diet with a prescriptive meal plans, but rather a set of guidelines that we work with to achieve a certain goal. There are no foods that you absolutely have to include, so whether you are vegetarian, vegan, celiac or have other sensitivities, the meals can be personalised to your specific requirements.


Secure your place in our programme and get on the waiting list



"I am following the plan well. I have taken my eye off the ball, so to speak, a few times both nutritionally, and in terms of personality patterning and critical thinking. So the advice you gave was spot on and very relevant for me. Thank you. The consequences each time has been exhaustion and being unwell. But I have been able to recognize this and reverse the situation quite well I believe. The fact that I am even able to reverse the process is excellent and I am in a far better place that a year ago."


“I didn't appreciate what you meant by Emotions just want to be felt. It puzzled me, until I started hearing it elsewhere and when I started doing it, it transformed me! I can eat most things now and I'm loving it, I'm back to running every day and I FEEL good. I have more energy, I'm calm and food doesn't have the same hold over me as it once did. Thank you”

Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open), Registered Nutritional Therapist, founder of Martina Cowen Nutritional Therapy and creator Freedom From Cravings programme



Martina Cowen BSc Psych (Open) Dip CNM Nut

Copyright © 2024 Martina Cowen Nutrition Therapy

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